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A day in the life of a Senior Marketing and Communications Partner at Lhasa Limited

A day in the life of a Senior Marketing and Communications Partner at Lhasa Limited

Hello! I’m Pearl and I work in Lhasa’s Marketing Team.

My role as a Senior Marketing and Communications Partner at Lhasa Limited is a varied one to say the least. Disciplines involved in the role include email marketing, content marketing, strategy, design, website management, paid media, copywriting, event management and so much more. That’s why I love it so much!

Whilst everyday is varied, below is an insight into what a day in the life of a Senior Marketing and Communications Partner at Lhasa Limited can look like!



The first thing I do when I wake up is go downstairs and stick the kettle on. After making the all-important first brew of the day I feed the dog and jump in the shower.


By 7am I’m ready for the morning dog walk. This usually lasts 30 mins or so. Sometimes I fill the time with a good podcast, usually something mindful or motivating, other times I just enjoy being present, slowly waking up and letting the caffeine kick in.


Home and ready for my second cup of coffee. I’ll now take the time to settle the dog and get ready to start the workday.


Start work. I usually take the first 30 mins or so to catch up on emails and direct messages. Whilst I’ve usually already planned my day in advance, I take this time to understand any new tasks or priorities that might have come up. Depending on the week it may also be my turn to look after the marketing inbox. If so, I would then be responsible for directing and responding to marketing emails, sometimes involving approving webinar registrations and managing internal publications.


As I’m most alert in the mornings (particularly after two cups of coffee) I will usually start one of my main tasks for the day. As the role is so varied, some days are highly analytical, and some are more creative or strategic. An analytical task could be a 6-month website review or social media report. A more strategic task could involve working on the marketing audit or planning and implementing a paid media campaign.


Usually hungry by this point I might grab a piece of fruit or some yoghurt and look at any emails or messages that have come in that morning. Whilst breaking from a more in-depth task, I may also look to schedule a couple of social media posts or design a graphic for Instagram to be used at a later date.


Before breaking for lunch, I might have a meeting to discuss marketing contributions for a release project, a team catch up or an event organisation meeting.



Lunchtime. Another dog walk and a microwave job of the leftovers from last night’s dinner.


After lunch I will check and respond to emails and direct message notifications that came in over lunchtime. At this point I will refer to my trello to see what tasks are outstanding, re-organising the afternoon if necessary.


Website management. A lot of marketing’s role is ensuring the upkeep of the corporate website. Staying aligned as a team we will work on aspects of the website including blog management, product page updates, SEO, news pieces, events and publications.


Tea break. As a team, we recognise that WFH means reduced face to face and social interactions with our colleagues. To combat the risk of reducing social interaction, we have a 30 min informal team catch up scheduled in every day. We discuss anything from what we’re currently working on, watching or eating. I find this time very valuable.


Communications. I find I am less analytical and more creative in the afternoons. I like using this time to work on one of the newsletters or an infographic. As a marketeer I enjoy seeing an idea evolve into a useful resource for both our members and employees.


Planning and organising. At this point in the day I will focus on my trello board, marking tasks as complete and planning what I need to do the next day ensuring that it correlates with my outlook calendar.


Head home. (AKA exit my spare room).



Exercise. This is usually a 1 to 2-hour dog walk (my dog is a border collie which means he requires lots of exercise). Sometimes my partner will walk him leaving me time to go on a run, de-stress and digest what I learned that day.


Dinner. Usually some kind of meat and veg unless it’s a Friday then we can indulge is something a little less boring.


Relax, socialise, read or watch TV, whatever takes my fancy that day.


Sleep and repeat.

If you have any questions about Life at Lhasa, or want to hear about something in particular, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

If you find a day with Pearl insightful, obtained a relevant degree in business, marketing or science, and have strong marketing and communications experience. Why not check our vacancies here and join our dynamic marketing team!

Last Updated on January 25, 2024 by lhasalimited

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